
SUNDAY (9/30/2018)

Pre-Congress Day

THURSDAY (10/4/2018)

HPP Post-Congress Day
Room: Gardenia 2%%%B/D-HPP EC Meeting
Room: Banda Sea 2%%%C-HPP EC Meeting
HPP Overview
Gil Omenn. Presentation is available here
(Room: Banda Sea 1)
What Exciting Prospects Lie Ahead?
Moderated by Rob Moritz, supported by Jennifer Watson 4-5 min presentations: Jenny van Eyk, Ileana Cristea, Ferdinando Cerciello, Jochen Schwenk, Chris Overall plus five more young investigators being identified: Lightning presentations with general participation.
HPP Reports (12 min each)
Chair: Gil Omenn

1. C-HPP (Young-Ki Paik). Presentation is available here.
2. B/D-HPP (Fernando J. Corrales). Presentation is available here.
3. Knowledge Base Pillar (Eric Deutsch & Lydie Lane). Presentation is available here
4. MS Pillar (Sue Weintraub). Presentation is available here.
5. Pathology Pillar (Dan Chan/Ed Nice)
HPP Town Hall Meeting
Deep Dive on HPP Goals, Strategy and Deliverables for the next 3 years, and Potential for Big International Translational Projects.
Chairs: Fernando Corrales & Young-Ki Paik

• 09:30-10:10 How can we accelerate identification of the remaining 2186 PE2,3,4 Missing Proteins? Siqi Liu, Eric Deutsch, Lydie Lane, Jochen Schwenk, Nino Bandeira, Chris Overall.
• 10:10-10:50 Identification and functional annotation of PTMs.
Chair: Alexey Nesvizhskii. Ultrafast Methods for Detection of PTMs (Alexey Nesvizhskii)
Results from the 96-phosphopeptide HPP sample community analysis (representative of MS Resource Pillar)
Roles of PTMs in Cardiovascular Disorders (Peggi Angel)
Proteogenomics; splice variants; proteoforms (Neil Kelleher). This presentation is available here.
Featured HPP Session
Chair: Mark Baker

1. C-HPP 2.0 Discussion (Chris Overall; 20 min). Presentation is available here.
2. B/D-HPP, Prioritization of Popular Proteins (Kun-Hsing Yu; 20 min)
3. Antibody Validation Initiative (52 min) (Jochen Schwenk, Mathias Uhlen (Peter Nilsson), Cecilia Lindskog Bergström, Heng Zhu, Lydie Lane, Cristina Al-Khalili Szigyarto)
• 10:50-11:30 Functional Studies: Protein-protein interactions; Single-Cell Analyses
How are protein-protein interaction data being incorporated by neXtProt for missing proteins and functionally unannotated proteins? (Lydie Lane)
Methods and applications of single-cell analyses of proteins (Bernd Bodenmiller)
• 11:30-12:10 Translational/Clinical Proteomics Strategies & Priorities
How can we more effectively incorporate proteomics in clinical research across many specialties? (Steve Pennington). This presentation is available here.
What lessons can be learned from international collaborations for Cancer Proteomics and applied for other disease categories? (Henry Rodriguez). This presentation is available here.
Lunch and Discussion.
Lunch, with HPP Senior Scientific Advisory Board Discussion Outline of Two-Year Strategic Plan for the HPP (Mark Baker). This presentation is available here
Lead Discussants: Cathy Costello, John Yates (Gil Omenn, moderator)
General Discussion
Round Table 1%%%Major Public DBs and MS Data Analysis
(Lydie Lane, Eric Deutsch)

Leaders of neXtProt, PeptideAtlas, and ProteomeXchange will highlight developments at each DB and invite comments and inquiries from end users.
Emerging Technologies for the HPP.
(Chairs: Rob Moritz and John Yates).
Using CRISPR/Cas9 genome-editing techniques to modify human iPSC and differentiated cells for Hemophilia B treatment (Bonghee Lee). This presentation is available here.
Proteogenomics: Revisiting human protein-coding genome annotation (Janne Lehtiö. This presentation is available here.
Round Table 2%%%Exploring the Undiscovered “Dark” Proteome
(Young-Ki Paik/Fernando Corrales)

• Accelerating progress to identify and annotate PE2-4 Missing Proteins
• Generating functional annotations for uPE1 Proteins
• Mobilizing/connecting C-HPP and B/D-HPP teams
What are the Grand Challenges for the Entire Field of Proteomics
Inspirational speaker: Mike Snyder. Presentation is available here.
General discussion
Two Breakout Sessions
B/D-HPP PI Meeting
(Banda Sea 1) and C-HPP PIC Meeting (Banda Sea 2)

B/D-HPP: Open session on Popular Proteins with specific presentations by the PIs of the following initiatives: Rheumatoid Diseases, PediOme, Glycoproteomics, Kidney/Urine-HPP, Diseasome
C-HPP: organizational and scientific strategies (PIs of C-HPP teams)
Part I: Report Session
Part 2: Business Session
Part 3: Election & Free Discussion

Invited Talk: J. Eugene Lee: Ab measurement standardization, KRISS, Korea)
neXt-CP50: Resources
21st C-HPP Workshop in St. Malo
22nd C-HPP Workshop in St. Petersburg
Emerging issues
Session devoted to Gil Omenn’s Leadership of the HPP with Light Reception (Chair: Mark Baker).
Reception (everyone invited)
HUPO Council Meeting for HUPO Councilors
(Baker, Pennington, Overall, Weintraub, Martens, Hui Zhang, Lane)

Read more

Appendix 5

20th C-HPP Workshop, Appendix 5

C-HPP Poster Session

C-HPP poster session will be held on Monday, October 1, 2018 as part of the afternoon poster session from 15:50 to 17:00 in the Poster-Exhibit Hall.

C-HPP posters registered in the program are numbered from 81-90 and the poster session will start with the poster 81 at 15:50 sharp. We request each author to present his/her poster in oral for 5 minutes including discussion. Groups who have poster(s) not registered as C-HPP, can bring their poster(s) in this time, present it following the presentation of poster 90 and participate in the poster competition.

The jury is composed of Lydie Lane and Peter Horvatovich who will select the 3 best posters. The selected authors will receive the Award Certificate with USD200.

The winners will be announced and the awards will be given to awardees at the HUPO Awards Session on October 3, 2018 at 4:00 - 5:00 pm. Therefore, presenters of the posters (or their representatives) are requested to be present at HUPO Awards Session.

The winners of C-HPP Poster Award are

  • Charlotte Macron, Chromosome 2,
  • Josef Miceli, Chromosome10,
  • Sergio Encarnacion-Guevara, Chromosome 19.

Uploaded posters

Chromosome 17:

  • Progress on identifying and characterizing the Human Proteome, 2018 Metrics from the HUPO Human Proteome Project. Poster in pdf format available here.
  • Chromosome 17 Missing Proteins: Recent Progress and Future Directions as Part of the Next-50MP Challenge. Poster in pdf format available here.

Click here to go the overview of C-HPP activities in HUPO 2018, Orlando.