SUN, Sept 18%
%%HPP Investigators Meeting
08:00-15:30%%%Taipei Int’l Convention Center
Room 101B, 202A, South Lounge (3F)
MON, Sept 19%
%%Joint Cluster Group Mtg.
07:30-08 :30%
%%C-HPP Poster Session
9:30 - 10:30 & 16:20-17:30%
%%PIC Meeting
THURS, Sept 22%
%%HPP Post-Congress Day
08:30 - 18:00%%%Fleur de Chine Hotel,
Sun Moon Lake, Nantou
(Appendix 5)
HPP Plenary Session I
(Rm 101B: See Appendix 1)

Moderators: Young-Ki Paik & Fernando Corrales

8:00-08:55: Rm 101B
HPP Overview

Chair: Michael Snyder (SSAB Chair)
(C-HPP, B/D-HPP, Bioinformatics, Ab, MS)

09:00-09:30%%%HPP Plenary Lecture 1
Chair: Fernando Corrales
Genomics for HPP
Michael Snyder, Stanford Univ. CA

09:30-10:00%%%HPP Plenary Lecture 2
Chair: Christoph M. Overall
“Emerging Tech” -Small ORF Analysis
Alan Saghatelian, Salk Inst. CA

Coffee Breaks (Sign up the Cluster Meeting)

C- and B/D-HPP separate sessions

C-HPP Session 1

Rm 202A
(Appendix 1, 2)
1. Introduction (YK Paik)
2. Top 50 MP Marathon Challenge (CM Overall)
3. Reports on Missing Protein (Lydie Lane)
Chr 3 T. Nishimura
Chr 10 J. LaBaer
Chr 15 G. Domont
Chr 18 S. N. Naryzhny/A. Archakov
Chr 19 G. Marko-Varga
Chr 22 A. Pandey
Chr X T. Yamamoto
Chr Y G. Hosseini Salekdeh
4. Open Discussion
B/D-HPP Session 1**

10:20-12:30 Rm 101B
1. Extreme conditions proteomics (Eugene Nikolaev)
2. Glycoproteomics (Hisashi Narimatsu)
3. Brain Proteome Project (Peter Nilsson)
4. Cardiovascular Initiative (Maggie Lam & PeiPei Ping)
5. Plasma Initiative (Jochen Schwenk)
6. Food and Nutrition Initiative (Paola Roncada)
7. Diabetes Initiative (Loïc Dayon)
8. Mitochondria Initiative (Mauro Fassano)

HPP Plenary Session II (Appendix 1)
Joint Cluster Group Meeting for C-HPP and B/D-HPP (Rm101B)

12:30-13:10 Lunch

13:10-15:20 Joint Cluster Session

(1). Introduction (5-10 min)

-What is “Cluster Collaboration?” (Appendix 2) (Young-Ki Paik)
Move to each designated room for Break-out session

(2). Break-out Session (120 min)
A. Cancer Cluster Group (Rm 101B): Led by Siqi Liu, Ed Nice & Hui Zhang
International Cancer Collaboration: Australia and US (15 min)
Moonshot Project & Int’l Cancer Proteomics Collaboration
Mark Baker (HUPO President), Phil Robinson (ProCan) and Jerry Lee (NCI Office)
Introduction of B/D-HPP Cancer (20 min)
Hui Zhang and Colleagues
Discussion on the Strategic Points (Appendix 1) (85 min)

B. IVTT Cluster Group (Rm 202A) (120 min)
Led by Gyorgy Marko-Varga Joshua LaBaer
Discussion on the Strategic Points (Appendix 1)

C. Reproductive Disease (South Lounge) (120 min)
Led by Charles Pineau & Ghasem Hosseini Salekdeh
Discussion on the Strategic Points (Appendix 1)
Note: While both Membrane Proteins and Neurodegenerative Disease groups may join one of above groups, they may have their own Cluster meeting (203 and 102) on Monday early morning (07:30-8:30).

15:20 HPP Meeting Ends
Joint Cluster Mtg.
(C- and B/D-HPP)

Membrane Cluster Group (Rm 203)
Neurodegenerative Disease Group (Rm 102)
(subject to change w/o notice)

C-HPP Session 2
C-HPP Poster Session
(Chair: Lydie Lane, Co-Chair: Peter Horvatovich)
(Appendix 3)

09:30-10:30: Session 1
(Even Numbers of Chr. 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16,18, 20, 22.+X, Y)
15:30-16:30: Session 2
(Odd Numbers of Chr. 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15, 17, 19, 21, Mito)

Poster Awards (Cash Prize and -Award Certificate by HUPO President) will be given to Total 7 Best Outstanding Poster Presenters at the Closing Ceremony.

12:20-13:30%%%C-HPP Session 3

C-HPP PIC Meeting (with Lunch: Rm 202A)

(Appendix 4)
1. Report Session (L. Lane)
2. Approval of Pending. Agenda (YK Paik)
3. Nomination and Election (Chris Overall)
4. Future Plans (2016-19) (YK Paik)

List of Appendices
1. HPP Investigators Meeting Agenda
2. New C-HPP Strategies (Cluster Collaboration &Top 50 MP Marathon and)
3. C-HPP Poster Session Guides
4. C-HPP PIC Meeting Agenda
5. HPP Post-Congress Day Agenda
6. Bioinformatics HUB Program
7. Hotel Reservation Form (Fleur De Chine, Sun Moon Lake)
8. 16th C-HPP Workshop in Brazil
Moderator: Gil Omenn


Joint B/D and C-HPP EC meeting

HPP Update Session:
(1) Highlights from Congress and discussions of B/D, C-HPP, Resource Pillars

(2) Bioinformatics Hub, JPR special issue 2016 and future, experience with HPP MS Guidelines v2.1.

Open discussion about recent strategic successes and strategic planning for next year and for 5 years: aims, directions, changes, deliverables

Coffee Break

HPP Plenary Lecture 3, “Lung Cancer Genomics”, Dr. Sung-Liang Yu, NUT, Taiwan

Reports on the Cluster Meeting (C- & B/D-HPP+CPTAC)
1. Cancer
3. Reproductive Dis
4. Membrane Proteins
5. Neurodegenerative Disease,


HPP Concluding Session
1. SSAB Members’ Feedback, led by Cathy Costello
2. HPP Operations & Communication matters (C. Pineau, C. Borchers)
3. Resources and Funding
4. Publications, including assessment of 2016 JPR special issue.
5. Strategic objectives & planned meetings and workshops, Brazil, 2016, and beyond

Boat Tour with Informal Discussion

Dinner and Social Mixer

Read more

Appendix 1

Sunday, Sept 18, 2016

HPP General Investigators Meeting in Taipei

(Last updated August 14, 2016)

Taipei International Convention Center

Plenary Session: Rm 101B

Break-out session: Rm 101B, 202A, South Lounge

08:00-15:20 HPP Investigators Meeting: Rm 101B (All HPP Investigators)

Moderators: Young-Ki Paik & Fernando Corrales

08:00-08:55 HPP Overview

Chair: Michael Snyder (SSAB Chair)
C-HPP: YK Paik, CM Overall, L. Lane. HPP C-HPP report summary in pdf format is available here.
B/D-HPP: JE van Eyk, FJ Corrales. This presentation is available in pdf format here.
Bioinformatics: Eric Deutsch (HPP MS data management guidelines). This presentation in pdf format is available here.
Antibodies: Emma Lundberg. This presentation in pdf format is available here.
MS: Susan Weintraub

09:00-09:30 HPP Plenary Lecture 1

Chair: Fernando Corrales
Genomics for HPP, Michael Snyder, Stanford Univ., CA, USA. This presentation in pdf format is available here.

09:30-10:00 HPP Plenary Lecture 2

Chair: Christopher M. Overall
Emerging Tech - Small ORF Analysis, Alan Saghatelian, Salk Inst. CA, USA

10:00-10:20 Coffee Break & Sign-up Cluster Meeting (Cancer, IVTT, Reproductive Disease)

10:20-12:30 C-HPP Session 1 (Rm 202A): Participants- C-HPP Investigators
  • Agenda 1: Brief Report on the Recapture of the HPP Cluster Concept (Young-Ki Paik) (Appendix 2)
  • Agenda 2: The C-HPP Top 50 MP Marathon Challenge with Cluster Collaboration (Chris Overall) (Appendix 2)
  • Agenda 3: Progress Reports on Missing Protein ID from PIs: 8 min each (Lydie Lane). This presentation in pdf format is available here.
    • Chr 3 Toshihide Nishimura, St. Marianna University School of Medicine, Kanagawa, Japan
    • Chr 10 Josh LaBaer, Arizona State University, USA
    • Chr 15 Gilberto Domont, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
    • Chr 18 S.N. Naryzhny & A. Archakov, Institute of Biomedical Chemistry, Russia
    • Chr 19 György Marko-Varga, Lund University, Sweden
    • Chr 22 Akihlesh Pandey, Johns Hopkins University, USA
    • Chr X Tadashi Yamamoto, Niigata University, Japan
    • Chr Y Ghasem Hosseini Salekdeh, Royan Institute, Iran
  • Discussion

10:20-12:30 B/D-HPP Session 1 (Rm 101B) Participants-B/D-HPP and related HPP Investigators

10:20 Extreme conditions proteomics
Eugene Nikolaev, Inst Biomed Chem, Russia

10:35 Glycoproteomics
Hisashi Narimatsu, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology, Japan

10:50 Brain Proteome Project
Peter Nilsson, SciLifeLab, KTH - Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden

11:05 Cardiovascular Initiative
Maggie Lam, University of California, Los Angeles, USA
PeiPei Ping, NHLBI Proteomics Center – UCLA, USA

11:20 Plasma Initiative
Jochen Schwenk, Science for Life Laboratory (KTH), Sweden

11:35 Food and Nutrition Initiative
Paola Roncada, Istituto Sperimentale Italiano Lazzaro Spallanzani, Italy

11:50 Diabetes Initiative
Loïc Dayon, Nestlé Institute of Health Sciences SA, Switzerland

12:05 Mitochondria Initiative
Mauro Fasano, University of Insubria, Italy

12:30-15:20 Joint Cluster Group Meeting (Lunch box provided) B/D-HPP and C-HPP Interactions (Room 101B)

Participants: HPP Investigators involved in C-HPP, B/D-HPP, Pillars & CPTAC groups are welcome.
Moderator: Young-Ki Paik. Introduction slides from Young-Ki Paik is available here.

12:30-13:10 Lunch

13:10-15:20 Joint Cluster Session

(1) Introduction (5-10 min)
-What is “Cluster Collaboration?” (Appendix 2)*
Move to each room for Break-out session

(2) Break-out Session (120 min) (see Table 1 below for composition)
A. Cancer Cluster Group (Rm 101B): Led by Siqi Liu, Ed Nice & Hui Zhang
▶ International Cancer Collaboration: Australia and US (15 min): Moonshot Project & Int’l Cancer Proteomics Collaboration, Mark Baker (HUPO President), Phil Robinson (ProCan) and Jerry Lee (NCI Office)
▶ Introduction of B/D-HPP Cancer (20 min): Hui Zhang (JHU), Chris Kinsinger (CPTAC), Jacob Kagan (EDRN), Shengtao Zhou (Sichuan Univ)
▶ Discussion on the Strategic Points (see below) (85 min)

B. IVTT Cluster Group (Rm 202A) (120 min) Led by Gyorgy Marko-Varga, Joshua LaBaer
▶ Discussion on the Strategic Points (Appendix 1)

C. Reproductive Disease (South Lounge) (120 min) Led by Charles Pineau & Ghasem Hosseini Salekdeh
▶ Discussion on the Strategic Points (see below)

Note: While both Membrane Proteins and Neurodegenerative Disease groups may join one of above groups, they may use 202A (Membrane Cluster) and 101B (Neurodegenerative D.) on Monday early morning (07:30-8:30) for their own Cluster meeting.{DIV}

Table 1. A Proposed List of Cluster Groups and Meeting Rooms (ver 2)*

Cluster Gr. Coordinators Joint Members Time Room
Cancer Siqi Liu, Ed Nice, Hui Zhang, Chris Kinsinger, Jacob Kagan, Shengtao Zhou B/D-Cancer (CPTAC), + more Chr. 1, 7, 8, 9, 11, 12, 13, 17, 20 Sun, 9/18/2016 12:30-15:20 (lunch included) Rm 101B
IVTT Gyorgy Marko-Varga, Joshua LaBaer HAI, Protein Std, + More (open to all HPP groups) Chr. 5, 10, 15, 16, 19 Sun, 9/18/2016 12:30-15:20 (lunch included) Rm 202A
Reproductive Disease Charles Pineau, Ghasem Hosseini Salekdeh Model Organism and more (open to whole HPP groups), Chr. 2, 14, X, Y Sun, 9/18/2016 12:30-15:20 (lunch included) South Lounge 3F

Responsibility of Coordinators (Proposed)
1. To preside the joint cluster meeting on Sunday (13:10-15:20)

  • Ask attendees to fill out the signup sheet provided in the room and hand in the list to HUPO Admin Office (Chelsea or Joanna).
  • Lead discussion session by presenting first their own short talks (5-7) that are followed by the additional invited presenters whom the coordinators have previously arranged.
  • Open discussion on the joint cluster efforts on
    1. The common scientific interests.
    2. Building a cooperative working cluster on the specific targets or technology or resource (e.g., discussion on the appointment of each group’s coordinators for next meeting, suggestions to HPP leadership, networking, more etc.).

2. To report the meeting results at the Cluster Report Session (led by Gil Omenn) during the Post-Congress Workshop in Sun Moon Lake, Thursday (10:50 to 12:30).

15:30- Adjourn

Definition of Cluster Collaboration The term “cluster" can be defined as an informal grouping to facilitate communications between the formal groups (i.e. B/D-HPP, C-HPP, Pillars, CPTAC and related HPP groups) that the HUPO membership and general public see it as a way to organize sessions and workshops rather than setting up a parallel set of groups (Chris Overall) (Appendix 2)

Floor Plan

Click here to go the overview of C-HPP activities in HUPO 2016, Taipei.