SUN, Oct. 5%%%10:00-16:00, Rm D | MON, Oct 6%%%8:00 - 9:20 Room C | TUES, Oct 7%%%8:00 - 9:20 Exhibit Hall | WED, SEPT 8%%%8:00 - 9:20 Room C |
HPP General Investigators Meeting (Chaired by Gil Omenn) a. Overview of Progress, b. Metrics, and Publications from the HPP c. B/D-HPP Highlights, d. C-HPP Highlights. e. Update of HPP Metrics f. Bioinformatics discussions and standardized re-analyses of major datasets of four major publications in 2014: g. Discussion over working lunch about inter-relationships across HPP components and bioinformatics approaches. h. Antibody and MS Resource Pillars i. SSAB Panel, overview, strategic comments from SSAB members j. Town Hall Meeting Open Forum – on B/D- and C-HPP Collaboration k. Meeting of SSAB with l. HPP-EC for feedback. Details in Appendix 1 |
C-HPP (Part 1) ● New Technology (Chaired by Bill Hancock) a. SRM measurement of missing proteins b. RNA analysis, including predicting when transcript forms protein c. Integration of RNA-Seq and proteomics d. Approaches to ASV and SNV characterization such as down top MS, adoption of protein chemistry methods e. Identification of protein families and sharing of specific data across chromosome families, integrated proteome browser Details in Appendix 2 |
C-HPP (Part 2) ● Poster Session (Chaired by Gyorgy Marko-Varga) Poster Awards (Cash Prize and Award Certificate) will be given to Total 10 Best Outstanding Poster Presenters ● It is required to load the poster no later than 5 pm, Monday. In addition to the C-HPP subjects (e.g., mapping missing proteins, ASV, PTM on each chromosome), any papers related to common technology or resources for C-HPP can also be presented. All eligible presenters should be one of the associated members of C-HPP consortium as of Sept 1, 2014. Further Information in Appendix 3 |
C-HPP (Part 3) ● PIC Meeting (Chaired by Young-Ki Paik) ● Topics: Metrics for success, elections, individual PI updates and Meeting Plans for 2015-2018 Details in Appendix 4 HPP Plenary Session ● 15:00 - 16:50 pm Room A |
Appendix 1
Agenda for HPP Investigators Meeting at HUPO2014
Madrid Congress (updated 9/8/14)
Gil Omenn, Chair, HPP, Univ. of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, US. This presentation is available here. The presnetation contains one other lecture of Gilbert Omenn presented at HUPO 2014 from slide 28.
- Ruedi Aebersold, ETH Zurich, Switzerland. This presentation is available online in pdf format here.
- Jennifer van Eyk, Cedars-Sinai Health System, Los Angeles, CA, US
With Discussion
- Young-Ki Paik, Chair, C-HPP Initiative, Yonsei Univ., Seoul, Korea. This presentation is available here.
- William S. Hancock, Co-Chair, Northeastern Univ., Boston, MA, US
With Discussion
Moderator: Gil Omenn
Bioinformatics discussions and standardized re-analyses of major datasets of four major publications in 2014:
- Kim et al (Pandey lab, PXD000561)
- Wilhelm et al (Kuster lab, PXD000865)
- Guo et al (Mirzaei lab with various proteolytic enzymes), and TCGA datasets
- Amos Bairoch & Lydie Lane, SIB, Geneva, Switzerland
- Eric Deutsch, Inst. Systems Biology, Seattle, WA, US. Presenation of Eric Deutsch on MRMAtlas is available here. Presenattion of Eric Deutsch on Peptide Atlas is available here.
- Akhilesh Pandey, Johns Hopkins & Bangalore; Bernhard Kuster, TUM, Munich; Henry Rodriguez, Bethesda
Moderator: William S. Hancock
Cross-validation with Ab and MS approaches including MRM based Quantitation for HPP
- Emma Lundberg, SciLifeLab, Stockholm, Sweden
ProteomeAnalyzer Project
- Bruno Domon, Centre Sante’ Clinical Proteomics Center, Luxembourg. This presenation is available here.
Moderator: Mike Snyder, Stanford Univ., Stanford, CA, US
- Cathy Costello, Boston Univ, Boston, MA, US, Matthias Mann, Max Planck, Munich, Germany, Kate Rosenbloom, Univ of California Santa Cruz/ENCODE, US
Co-Chairs: Ruedi Aebersold and Young-Ki Paik
Part 1. Integrated Data Management
“Priority Proteins”/”Popular Proteins”, including PTMs, Splice Isoforms, SNPs/SAAPs, for specific diseases; use of SRM peptides, spectral libraries, and SRMAtlas
- Jennifer Van Eyk, Ruedi Aebersold, Eric Deutsch and B/D Teams
ProteomeExchange experience: PDX identifiers and release of data on acceptance, uploading large data sets
- Juan Vizcaino, EBI, Hinxton, UK. This presentation is available here.
Proteogenomics/RNA Seq, Integrated ‘Omics analyses
- Gyorgy Marko-Varga, Lund Univ., Sweden, Jennifer Harlow, Kate Rosenbloom, Michael Snyder (ENCODE)
Part 2. Biological Impact of Missing Proteins on C-HPP and B/D-HPP Research
Updates from neXtProt on the missing and orphan proteins
- Lydie Lane and Amos Bairoch, SIB, Switzerland. This presentation is available here.
A Strategy for Bioinformaticians to take a deep dive on Chr-specific Missing Protein lists (as discussed in Bangkok C-HPP workshop)
- William S. Hancock, Co-Chair, C-HPP Consortium , Gyorgy Marko-Varga, Co-Chair, C-HPP Consortium
The timing of JPR special issue and standardization of databases for publication metrics: What is the best theme and date (middle of 2015) for this special issue?
- William S. Hancock and Young-Ki Paik, C-HPP Consortium
Part 3. Opportunities to explore collaborations within and between B/D-HPP and C-HPP
- Young-Ki Paik and Ruedi Aebersold, entire C-HPP & B/D-HPP Groups
Mike Snyder and SSAB Group
Click here to go the overview of C-HPP activities in Madrid.