
Wiki Newsletter, 1 volume, 1 issue (July 25, 2013)

Dear C-HPP member,

This is a monthly newsletter of C-HPP Wiki (http://c-hpp.web.rug.nl/) giving overview on the most important news, updates and announcements concerning C-HPP initiative.

Important events and news reported on the Wiki:

  • multiple new datasets are available at "Resource>>Special Datasets>>Others" such as:
    • comprehensive annotation of lysine acetylation sites at GPM
    • updated list of protein evidences based on data available at GPM summarised in excel sheet
    • updated list of protein evidence based on MS data and antibody reagent available at NextProt.
  • announcement of 12th HUPO 2013 and 10th Australian Peptide Conference 2013 conferences at "Meetings>>General meeting"
  • summary and minutes of Bioinformatics Telephone Conference of May 30, 2013 and July 18, 2013 at "Meetings>>Bioinformatics meetings>>Telephone Conference"

Finally don't forget to update wiki with your achievements or new resources of your chromosome team! Your contribution for the Wiki is essential to facilitate information exchange between the chromosome teams and enhance collaborations.

With best regards,

Peter Horvatovich
Wiki administrator

PS: if you would like to add a colleague or if you do not wish to receive this newsletter please send me an email (p.l.horvatovich@rug.nl)