
Protein evidence information

Protein evidence summary

Summary of protein evidence using neXtProt

  • An interactive chart to represent the current status of the human proteome in terms of protein validation is available here.
  • The current list of missing proteins (PE2-4) can be retrieved here.
  • Detailed information for each chromosome including the presence of SNPs, PTMs, splice variants and other information for each gene is available on neXtProt ftp.
  • All the information from the previous neXtProt releases can be retrieved here.

Chromosome Centric PeptideAtlas

PeptideAtlas provides a list of protein evidence for each chromosome online here.

MassIVE spectral library

MassIVE contains information on human proteins and tryptic peptides collected from public LC-MS/MS data sets.

Summary of protein evidence using Human Protein Atlas (HPA) data

  • Summary of protein evidence based on antibody generated within the Human Protein Atlas for all chromosomes according to data available until August 2013. This information is not yet published, confidential is is only accessible to registered person member to C-HPP consortium and the information is available here. Explanation of protein evidence score in Human Protein Atlas is available here.
  • The Human Protein Atlas has reached a major milestone by releasing protein data for more than 80% of the human protein-coding genes and RNA expression data for more than 90% of the genes. The normal tissue atlas now provides a distribution map of both protein and gene expression.

SWATHAtlas resources for >10 000 human proteins

Fragment library of unique peptides > 10 000 proteins is available at SWATHAtlas.

SRMAtlas for peptide detection resources

SRMAtlas contains collections of MRM assays for over 99% of human proteins and for different mass spectrometers.

Missing Proteinpedia

Missing Proteinpedia summarizing known information on missing proteins (PE2-PE5) were launched by Macquerie University, Sydney.