
17th C-HPP Workshop in Tehran, Iran, May, 2017

Version 7, April 6, 2017

Date & Venue

April 27-28, 2017; Conference Hall of Royan Institute, Tehran, Iran


Conference venue: Royan Institute: Resalat Highway, Banihashem st. Royan Institute, Tehran, Iran
Registration office: Resalat Highway, Banihashem St., Shaghayegh allley, No:9. TelFax: +98-21-233562178; Email: infor@royancongress.com; www.royan.royaninstitute.org

Jointly Organized by

Royan Institute and IPS (Prof. Ghasem Hosseini Salekdeh) and HUPO C-HPP Consortium (Prof. Young-Ki Paik)

1. Representative for Each Chromosome Group

Chris Overall (Co-Chair & EC member), Christoph Borchers (Chr 6), Pengyuan Yang (Chr 8); Je-Yoel Cho (Chr 9); Bonghee Lee (for Chr 11); Young-Ki Paik (Chr 13, Chair & Co-Organizer); Charles Pineau (Chr 14), Fernando Corrales (Chr 16, EC member); Alexander Archakov (Chr 18); Gong Zhang (for Chr 20); Tadashi Yamamoto (Chr X), Ghasem Hosseini Salakdeh (Chr Y), Andrea Urbani (Mt.)

2. Associated Members

Gong Zhang (Chr 20), Dehua Li (Chr 20); Yang Chen (Chr 20); Seul-Ki Jeong (Chr 13); Fan Zhong (Chr 8); Heeyoun Hwang (Chr 11), Paola Roncada (HUPO Food proteomics initiative)


Thursday, April 27th

08:15-08:50 Registration

08:50-09:00 Welcome Message: Prof. Hamid Gourabi (President of Royan Institute)

09:00-09:20 Plenary Lecture (Chair: Hossein Baharvand)

Prof. Reza Malekzadeh (Deputy Minster for Research and Technology, Ministry of Health and Medical Education, Iran)

Invited Session I: Introduction and Overview: C-HPP- Direction, Importance, Data Guidelines and Technology Resources

Chair: Young-Ki Paik

09:30-10:00 C-HPP: Past, Present and Future

Young-Ki Paik (C-HPP Chair, Korea)

10:00-10:20 JPR Special Issue and MP50 Campaign with HPP Data Guidelines

Chris Overall (C-HPP Co-Chair, Associate Editor for JPR)

-=10:20-10:40 Link between C-HPP and Biology/Disease HPP
Fernando Corrales, Spain

10:40-11:10 Coffee Breaks

Invited Session II: Uncovering Missing Proteins by Using Various Biological and Clinical Samples

Chair: Chris Overall

11:10-11:30 Searching for missing proteins: Update on chromosome 16 activity

Fernando Corrales, Spain

11:30-11:50 Looking for missing proteins in the testicular germ cell lineage: new insights into normal and pathological spermatogenesis

Charles Pineau, France

11:50-12:10 Identification of Missing Proteins Encoded in Chromosome X

Tadashi Yamamoto, Japan

12:10-12:30 Mitochondrial Proteome-Completion of Missing Protein Annotation

Andrea Urbani, Italy

12:30-12:50 Updates of missing proteins and novel variant findings from chromosome 11

Heeyoun Hwang, Korea

12:50-13:10 SRM-based ‘missing’ proteins of UPS2 (sigma) and Chr18 expressed in human liver, HepG2 cells and in plasma

Alexander Archakov, Russia

13:10-14:30 Lunch Break

Invited Session III: Functional Study of Missing Proteins with Disease Implication

Chair: Fernando Corrales

14:30-14:50 Experimental Strategy and Pitfall

Young-Ki Paik, Korea

14:50-15:10 Heart of Y Chromosome: Searching for Functions of Missing Proteins Involved in Disease Ghasem

Hosseini Salekdeh, Iran

15:10-15:30 C-HPP Project (Chr 9): Proteogenomic Study in Human Lung Cancer

Je-Yoel Cho, Korea

15:30-15:50 Progress in Chr 8 with Disease Implications (tentative)

Pengyuan Yang, China

15:50-16:10 Update on the Food and Nutrition Initiative

Paola Roncada, Italy

16:10-16:30 The hidden human proteome: the protein-coding "lncRNAs"

Gong Zhang, China

Invited Session IV: Invited Special Lectures

Chair: Fernando Corrales

16:30-17:00 Special Lecture 1

Antiviral Immunity Cellular Substrates revealed by TAILS Terminomics
Chris Overall, Canada

17:00-17:30 Invited Special Lecture 2

Implication of AGE-albumin from activated microglial cells in neurodegenerative diseases
Bonghee Lee, Korea

17:30-18:00 General Discussion on All Pending Issues

Chairs: Young-Ki Paik, Chris Overall, Fernando Corrales

19:30-21:00 Milad Tower (PIs and Co-PIs)

Friday, April 28th

Young Investigator Invitation Session

Chair: Pengyuan Yang, Fudan Univ., China

08:30-08:45 Identifying 17000 human proteins in a single MS experiment using high throughput de novo identification aided by translatome sequencing

Dehua Li, China

08:45-09:00 Human Y chromosome genes regulate Human Embryonic Stem Cell Differentiation to cardiac cell

Anna Meyfour, Iran

09:00-09:15 Probable Physicochemical and Epigenetic Causes of Missing Proteins

Fan Zhong, China

09:15-09:30 Human Y chromosome proteome project and male infertility

Mehdi Alikhani, Iran

09:30-09:45 Bioinformatic tools of Chromosome 13 team for finding missing proteins

Seul-Ki, Jeong, Korea

09:45-10:00 Human Membrane proteomics: searching for missing protein

Faezeh Shekari, Iran

10:00-10:30 Coffee Breaks

Working Group Formation: Networking and Interaction through the C-HPP Clusters

Co-Chairs: Young-Ki Paik and Chris Overall

10:00-12:00 Cluster group meetings
  • Organization of Intra C-HPP Cluster Groups
  • Rare Tissues and Cell Lines Cluster
  • Olfactory Receptor Cluster
  • Novel Protein Cluster PTM Cluster
  • IVTT Cluster Infertility cluster lnc RNA Cluster

12:00-13:30 Future Directions

Chair: Charles Pineau

  • Update on the 18th C-HPP Workshop in Dublin (Young-Ki Paik and Fernando Corrales)
  • Update on the JPR Special Issue (Chris Overall, Co-Chair & JPR AE)
  • Planning on the 19th C-HPP Workshop in Santiago (Fernando Corrales)
  • Planning on the 20th C-HPP Workshop in St. Malo (Charles Pineau)
  • Planning on the Collaboration with B/D-HPP Group (Fernando Corrales)

End of Symposium