
Wiki Newsletter, 6 volume, issue 1 (September 12, 2019)

Dear C-HPP members,

This is the IXth newsletter (6 volume, issue 1) of the C-HPP Wiki providing an overview of the most important news, updates and announcements concerning the C-HPP and posted on the C-HPP-Wiki. Please disseminate this Newsletter among your group members and colleagues.
Highlights, important events and news reported recently on the Wiki:

  • The C-HPP Wiki has been updated over the past two months with new documents, information and some reorganization. Visit it! It is a great way to stay in touch with other Chromosome Teams and collaborators.
  • Please delegate one member of your chromosome team to edit your Chromosome page at C-HPP Wiki. Ask her/him to attend “How to contribute to the C-HPP Wiki“ talk (by Peter Horvatovich, Univ. of Groningen) on Monday, September 16 at 10:30 – 11:00 at the Bioinformatics Hub.
  • The program of 22th C-HPP Workshops and 18th HUPO program are available on the C-HPP Wiki. If you have C-HPP presentations from the workshop please upload to the Wiki or send it to the Wiki administrator Peter Horvatovich.
  • As detailed on the C-HPP-Wiki, the HUPO 2019-Adelaide C-HPP poster session will be held on Tuesday, September 17, 10:00-10:40. However, please put up the posters on Sunday afternoon or Monday morning at the latest to ensure ample viewing and discussion time. Location: posters numbers 1 – 20, just as you enter the main exhibit hall on the left and en route to the Bioinformatics Hub. These posters will be displayed for the entire length of the congress.
  • Protifi is sponsoring 3 @ USD200 C-HPP Poster Awards, which along with Certificates, will be presented at the Awards Ceremony on Wednesday at the close of the congress. Other details of the C-HPP poster session are available at the C-HPP Wiki.
  • We are striving to maintain the most recent version of documents on the C-HPP-Wiki and elsewhere. The HPP has adopted date stamping in a bioinformatics format manner. Thus, please SAVE you documents with the date first and commencing with the Year (2019)-Month (09)-Day (15). Having the year first organizes files chronologically automatically using date sort orders making them easier to find and track. N.B. If the day or month is first then the yearly and monthly chronology is lost. In addition, please add the date stamp to the base of the document on the left, e.g. C-HPP 2019-09-15. Finally, please use page numbers always, even for one-page documents, for example lower right of footer. Example of document with right format of time stample is available on the C-HPP Wiki.
  • To enhance collaboration between chromosome teams, please do not forget to update your Wiki page with your latest research plans and achievements! And if you find typos etc on the Wiki, please correct them or send a screen shot to Peter Horvatovich.

Remember, your contribution for the C-HPP Wiki is essential to facilitate information exchange between the chromosome teams and enhance collaborations.

With best regards,

Peter Horvatovich
Wiki administrator