
Bioinformatics TC Summary May 30, 2013

We had a successful change to a new meeting system (GoToMeeting) and sorry for those who had problems logging on but once you are used to connecting via the Internet you will see the advantages,.

  1. Speakers for HPP sessions Yokohama are being finalized and include metabiome, encode and hERV as topics.
  2. Discussion on the use of the Wiki (Peter) see http://c-hpp.web.rug.nl/tiki-index.php?page=HomePage.
  3. Update on the linkage of Encode and C-HPP (to be managed via Ensembl updates).
  4. Action item for each team: submission of data sets to Proteome Exchange
  5. Action item for each team: Update of chromosome sections on the wiki
  6. JPR special issue for 2014 (submission date for August 1st)
  7. Updates from PRIDE, Peptide Atlas, GPMD, web browsers (see relevant sections of Wiki)
  8. Next conference call July 18, 2013, 8:00-9:00 AM US-Eastern (GMT-5).

William Hancock