
Agenda of C-HPP bioinformatics TC call on January 24, 2013, 8:00 – 9:00 AM US-Estern (GMT-5)

  1. Wiki update (Peter Horvatovich, Netherlands, chr. 5)
  2. Submission of data sets from the JPR special issue (Eric Deutsch,PeptideAtlas, US, chr. 0)
  3. Peptide ID probability frequency distribution testing method (Ron Beavis, Canada, chr. 17)
  4. BGI and RNA-Seq for the chromosome initiative (Siqi Liu, China, chr. 1)
  5. Web browsers update (Ping Xu, China, chr. 1 (Caper), Rob Goode, Australia, chr.7 (Proteome Browser), GenomewidePDB, Korea, chr.13, Young-ki Paik)
  6. Domain and network analysis (Jin Park, US, chr. 10)
  7. Update on the Berlin meeting (Young-Ki, Bill and Gyorgy)