
2016 2016 C-HPP Plans-JPR SI, Workshops and Newsletter Publications

Dear C-HPP Colleagues

Seasons' Greetings!
After having all those successful C-HPP and HPP meetings in Vancouver, our leaders and colleagues have been working together on the key plans for 2016 such as JPR Special Issue 2016, guidelines of HPP data interpretation and C-HPP/HPP workshops (Shanghai, Brazil). In particular, Gil, Eric & other HPP EC members have spent great time on organizing these plans. We all appreciate them for their excellent guidance and efforts on setting up the standards and planning on the journal publications. Here, we would like to bring up a few points for your special attention.

1. JPR SI 2016
Enclosed please find three files, Call for papers, HPP Guidelines and Statement on establishing HPP guidelines. Regarding the JPR SI in 2016, there is a hard deadline for manuscript submission, April 30, 2016. From our experiences during the past 3 years, keeping the deadline became the key issue for 2016. All of our Co-editors will comply with this deadline and execute manuscript management accordingly. We will keep you informed when there is any updated note on the guidelines (e.g., PE1 status upon adoption of new guidelines).
In particular, we would like to thank Bill Hancock for his outstanding services for JPR as EIC as well as for C-HPP as Co-Chair and EC members. He will also be serving one of Co-editor for JPR 2016 SI. We also greatly appreciate the ACS publishers (Drs. Jonathan Sweedler, Antonella Mazur and their colleagues) for their continuous support for JPR's C-HPP SI publication in 2016 and beyond.

2. C-HPP Workshop in 2016:
In 2016, we will continue to strive our C-HPP endeavor by hosting several important workshops as follows. Further updates will be informed to you when they are available later. Please mark the following dates on your 2016 calendar.

–14th C-HPP workshop, Shanghai, China •2016/5/20~21
–15th C-HPP workshop, Taipei, Taiwan •2016/ 9/18~22
–16th C-HPP workshop, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil •2016/12/10~12

3. C-HPP 2016 Newsleter (No. 5): (To be published in April 2016).
The C-HPP leadership will contact the individual PIs to ask their activity report during 2015 sometime December. This Newsletter has been served as a great forum for our community by reporting a fresh activity of each country team since 2012. All those updated info on the C-HPP consortium will be carried out in this Newsletter. You are always welcome to contribute to this newsletter by giving us a short article, activity report, funding update and others.

Finally, we wish you Enjoyable Holidays and Happy New Year!

All the Best,

Chris and
Co-Chairs of C-HPP

Young-Ki Paik, Ph.D.
Underwood Distinguished Professor
Dept of Integrative Omics for Biomedical Science and
Dept of Biochemistry, College of Life Science & Biotechnology
Rm 423 Industry-Academic Corp Bldg,
Yonsei University,
50 Yonsei-ro, Seodaemoon-ku
Seoul 120-749, Korea
Tel. 82-2-2123-4242
Fax. 82-2-393-6589