
C-HPP events at HUPO Connect-2020

The C-HPP PIC meeting at HUPO Connect 2020 was held on Monday, October 19, 17:15 – 18:10 EST time where the following topics were discussed and some important decisions were made:
  • Report and progress of chromosome teams in next-MP50 and next-CP50 projects.
  • Lydie Lane was elected unanimously as C-HPP Co- Chair for the next 3 years (2021.1 – 2023.12).
  • Discussion about stimulating our joint chromosome teams activities as well as collaboration with teams in B/D-HPP. It was also confirmed that the vacancies of PIs (Chr 21, 22) were now being sought by the B/D-HPP EC from the appropriate B/D-HPP teams.
  • A decision was made to extend by three years the neXt-CP-50 challenge due to the COVID-19 pandemic and the nature of protein characterization that takes longer times compared to MP search (new term: 2018-2024).
  • It was also recommended that all chromosome teams update their results and any changes in team members on C-HPP Wiki nd the C-HPP Portal.

23st C-HPP Workshop in Busan (South-Korea), June 28-30, 2021

Since the COVID-19 pandemic and related health risk world-wide poised travel restrictions, the C-HPP 23rd C-HPP Workshop in Russia was canceled. We hope that vaccine against SARS-CoV-2 viral infection will be available, which would ease travel restrictions by summer 2021. If so we hope our PIC members and all interested C-HPP members will join the next C-HPP Workshop to be held on June 28 – 30, 2021 in Busan, South Korea. The C-HPP EC will announce in due time the program on the HUPO, C-HPP Portal) and C-HPP Wiki) websites.

(C-)HPP achievement on completion of 90% of the Human Proteome with high stringency
  • The “Blueprint” paper of the draft human proteome by Adhikari et al of the HPP was published announcing the completion of 90% of the human proteome in time for HUPO Connect (REF).
  • An Editorial by Chris Overall on the commemoration of the 10th anniversary of HUPO HPP. entitled "The HUPO High-Stringency Inventory of Humanity’s Shared Human Proteome Revealed", is available at the Journal of Proteome Research (JPR) website.
  • A virtual Special Issue of the JPR was published on the journal website which features a collection of 60 highly cited papers representing diverse teams, approaches, results, impact and progress on the HPP during the past 10 years.
  • The metric paper by Omenn et al. also highlights completion of >90% of the Human Proteome at the JPR website and leads the JPR virtual Issue

C-HPP related program and highlights are available at C-HPP Wiki. The C-HPP EC wish you and for all your family to stay safe and healthy.